দশম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন মক টেস্ট পার্ট 1 | WBBSE Class 10 English 1 Term Exam Mock Test


Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

As he entered the school gate, an idea occurred to him. He would deliver the letter to the headmaster(at the end of the day/ There was a chance Samuel might do something during the course of the day to justify the letter. Swami stood at the entrance to his class, Samuel was teaching arithmetic. He looked at Swami. Swami hoped Samuel would scold him severely. "You are half an hour late," Samuel said. have a headache, sir." Swami said. "Then why did you come at all?" This was an unexpected question from Samuel.

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: 1×2=2

(a) Swami decided that he would deliver the letter to the headmaster

(i) at the start of the school, (ii) during recess, (iii) at the end of the day, (iv) after fifth period.

(b) Samuel was teaching-(i) life science, (ii) history, (iii) arithmetic, (iv) geography.

B. State whether the following statements are true or false. Write "T' for 'True' and 'F' for 'False' in the boxes given on the right-hand side. 1×2=2

(i) Swami reached school half an hour late.

(ii) Swami expected that Samuel would not scold him.

C. Answer the following question: 2

Why did Swami decide that he would deliver the letter at the end of the day?

2.Read the poem and answer the questions that follow:

The mountain and the squirrel Had a quarrel: And the former called the latter 'Little Prig.' Bun replied, But all sorts of things and weather Must be taken in together, To make up a year And a sphere. You are doubtless very big

A. Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences: 1×2=2

(a) The word 'former' refers to (i) the squirrel, (ii) the mountain, (iii) the Little Prig, (iv) the poet.

(b) The squirrel acknowledges the truth that the mountain is undoubtedly (i) very strong, (ii) very large, (iii) very tiny, (iv) not so large.

B. Answer the following questions: 1×2=2

(i) What things must be taken in together ?

(ii) Which two characters are there in the poem 'Fable'?

Reading Comprehension (Unseen)

3.Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

Population is the basic source of man power resources in a country. The quality of which is shaped largely by education and training conditioned by the socio-economic and political structures of the society. Population education refers to the outlook and understanding of the probem by the people of a society. Almost all the developing countries of the third world are burdened with large and rapidly growing population, mass illiteracy, mass unemployment, under utilization of natural resources, backward technology, all manifested through the abysmal poverty and extremely low standards of income and living, stagnant economy and exploitation by rich countries. For the past two centuries, the Malthusian Theory of population has been used as an effective tool in the hands of the rulers and exploiting classes to spread false theory of population education which taught people that over population is responsible for all their curses and they themselves are responsible for it. Modern understanding of population has destroyed this myth. It has led to the realization that it is not the size of the population as such but under development of the resources as well as the system of faulty distribution of the wealth produced and the faulty socio-economic structure which are more responsible for the malady.

A. Tick the right answer: 1×4=4

(i) Man power resources need (a) brain, (b) heart, (c) country population, (d) country education as the basic source.

(ii) Developing countries get exploited by (a) underdeveloped countries, (b) rich countries, (c) poor countries, (d) developed countries.

(iii) The Malthusian Theory has been used (a) for the last three centuries, (b) for the past two centuries, (c) for the last two decades, (d) for the last twenty years.

(iv) The third world countries are burdened with(a) malnutrition, (b) poverty, (c) foreign loans, (d) large and fast growing population.

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text: 1×4=4

(i) The Malthusian Theory is based on __.

(ii) Education shapes the ___.

(iii) 'Population education' refers to ____.

(iv) Name two problems of the third world countries: (a)_(b)__.

C. Answer the following question: 2×1=2

What false theory of population education did the rulers and exploiting classes spread?


Grammar and Vocabulary

4.Do as directed: 1x6=6

(i) Overwork harms our health. [Replace the underlined word (overthink) with a suitable phrasal verb and rewrite]

(ii) Samuel was teaching arithmetic.[Change the voice]

(iii) Mother said to her son, "Look before you leap." [Change the mode of narration]

(iv) Everybody likes him. [Turn into a negative sentence]

(v) Write a letter showing sympathy to an ailing friend. [Trun into a complex sentence]

(vi) Shakespeare penned sequence of sonnets. [Fill in the blanks with suitable article and preposition]

5.Given below are the meanings of two words which you will find in the passage in Question No. 3. Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right-hand side: 2x2=4

(1) having no flow or movement.

(ii) a serious problem.


Writing 10×1=10

6.Write a letter to your friend to attend the rice-initiation ceremony of your nephew at your home. Or,

Write a paragraph within 100 words on 'A Fair You Have Visited'. 10 [Place-time-arrangements-kinds of articles on display and for sale-crowd-amusements - sanitary arrangements-conclusion.

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