দশম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি প্রথম পর্যায়ক্রমিক মূল্যায়ন মক টেস্ট পার্ট 2 | WBBSE Class 10 English 2 Term Exam Mock Test

Section A

Reading Comprehension (Seen)

1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Some days after the funeral, a special train took Gandhiji's ashes to Allahabad. The compartment was decked with flowers. People on the train sang 'bhajans'. People did not weep anymore for they could feel Gandhiji's pres- ence amid the flowers and the songs. At every station sorrowful crowds filled the platform. Amid song and prayer the train reached Allahabad. The ashes were immersed in the Ganges where a huge crowd had gathered at the bank. Afterwards we all went back to Delhi.

A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences : 1×2=2

(a) Gandhiji's ashes were taken to

(i) Bihar

(ii) Varanasi

(iii) Allahabad

(iv) Ahmedabad

(b) The crowds which gathered at every station looked-

(i) joydus

(ii) excited

(iii) disgusted

(iv) sorrowful

B. Complete the following sentences with information from the text : 1×2=2

(i) After the funeral___

(ii) The train reached Allahabad amid_

C. Answer the following question : 2×1=2

Why did not people weep anymore?

2. Read the poem and answer the questions that follow :

I'll not deny you make A very pretty squirrel track; Talents differ; all is well and wisely put; If I cannot carry forests on my back, Neither can you crack a nut.'

A. Write the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:

(a) The squirrel track here is-

(i) ugly

(ii) rough

(iii) common

(iv) beautiful

(b) "All is well and wisely put" Here 'all' refers to

(i) the rock

(ii) the mountain

(iii) various things

(iv) the squirrel

B. Answer the following questions :

(i) What is a squirrel track ?

(ii) "Neither can you crack a nut." - What is the significance of the line ?

Reading comprehension (unseen)

A. Tick the right answer: 1×4=4

1. The Sundarbans stretches across the -coastal area/ plains/ foothills/ desert

2. The Sundarban region span more than-1000sq km/100 sq km/10000 sq km/100000 sq km

3. Professor Bill Lawrence is from -India /Bangladesh/ Sundarbans/ Australia

4. Sharif Mukul is a/an -professor /assistant professor/ lecturer /doctor

B. Each of the following statements is either true or false.Write "T" for true and ''F" for false in this boxes on the right hand side. 1×4=4

1. The Sundarbans is the world's biggest coniferous forest. [ ]

2. The regions of Sundarban is found along the coast of Bangladesh only [ ]

3.According to Sharif Mukul , tiger habitats in the Sundarbans will vanish entirely by 2070 [ ]

4.More than 4000 Bengal tigers are alive today. [ ]

C. Answer the following question- 2 what according to the scientist could be the possible reasons for the destruction of the Sundarbans?


Grammar and vocabulary

4.Write the correct alternative to fill the blanks. ½×2=1

Once upon a time there_( lives/ lived/ living) a rich man.He(has/ have/ had) three sons.

5. Do as directed

A. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles and prepositions. ½×2=1

Lepchajagat is mostexquisite place in the western part Darjeeling hills.

B. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets 1×2=2

1. She is too old to walk steadily. (change into a complex sentence)

2."what have you written, Sachin?" the teacher said. (Change the mode of narration)

C. Choose the correct phrasal verbs from the list given below to replace the words underlined. write the correct phrasal verbs in the boxes on the right hand side changing the form where necessary. there is one extra phasal verb in the list. 1×2=2

1.The girl resembles her mother

2. He wore a blue shirt

(Take off ,put on, take after)

6. Given below are the meanings of two words which you will find in the passage in question number 3 .Find out the words and write them in the appropriate boxes on the right hand side 2×2=4

Section C


7.Write a paragraph (in about 100 words) on what makes you different from others. 10

(Some special quality- some special skills that you have- things that you like -things that you would like to do in future)

A. natural home=____

B. at risk of extinction=____

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